Monthly Archives: April 2014

The Floodgates of Abundance

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Have you ever felt stuck? Are there times when you know you have done the prep and everything is in line and in place for success…but for whatever reason there is no movement or flow?

Well there comes a time when you need to get demanding. You must “demand” the blockages to get unstuck and for the flow to begin.

I know, the word demand can feel uncomfortable…even yucky! But it certainly has a power behind it, don’t you think? You can actually “feel” that power in word DEMAND.

For me I’d rather use the word “command.” I like being in charge of my own destiny and prefer using the power of command. Kind of like the Genie in the Bottle story when he says, “Your wish is my command.” That sits better for me.

So with this being said, try using this unseen power to your benefit today…and command (or demand) that you have an awesome day today!

Be well…


TIP OF THE DAY: “feeling gratitude in advance, before you even receive, as if you already had, whether for direction or abundance or anything else, opens the floodgates.”