Monthly Archives: January 2013

Help Dave sponsor student-athletes…

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I am so proud of what my husband, Dave is doing…and have watched (and helped him) for these past three years build his new online training program for student-athletes!  We have assembled a great team and would love to have you a part of the movement…our goal is to sponsor 500+ kids during this Indigogo campaign (see below).  Let this serve as my personal invitation for you to get involved…either by sponsoring at any of the levels shown ($15 and up) and/or simply spreading the word.  We are committed to helping our youth and supporting them in higher levels of self-esteem and confidence…and look forward to having you join the movement!!  xxoo


EXTREME FOCUS: The World’s Best Virtual Pro Training Camp…with Mental Performance Coach Dave Austin

MLB "on the field" experience


What’s the biggest problem facing our youth today?

I believe its self-esteem and self-worth (or the lack thereof…)

Our kids are under siege today between social media, drugs, violence, bullying, and the graduation rates are plummeting.  And it’s unfortunate that the solution is not being taught at school.

So what’s the alternative? We reach them through something they love…we reach them through sports and help them build their confidence through strengthening their positive self-image.

Sports can help and as we engage them within their sport, the lessons they learn through Extreme Focus can give them a whole new perspective and approach to solving problems and moving through any situation in a more positive manner.

And for an added bonus…their sports performance increases and they simply tend to have more fun! Knowing this, we are asking for your help in our race towards the finish line.

Finish Line

What finish line you ask?

Well let me tell you a little story…

A few years back my son’s elementary and middle school asked if I would talk to the parents about what I do… a week later I was also asked by the Frozen Ropes training facility to speak to their kids…and yep you guessed it…they also wanted me to tell the parents and kids what I do to help my professional athletes keep their heads straight.

Well both talks were eye opening for me. First I found out how much interest there was for youth-level “mental” training. The second thing that struck me was that I had no answer to their question…

“How can I get this for my kids?”

This has haunted me ever sinceand has kept me racing towards the finish line for the past three years!!! What’s about to be launched in January IS THE ANSWER…the EXTREME FOCUS membership and training center is almost finished!

YOU CAN HELP…with your support, your comments and feedback…tell us what you think…are we on track?  Are we doing the right things?  Are we meeting our goal of helping kids?


Check out our team. Meet them and get to know each one of us…keeping in mind that our teammates are the types that will go to the ends of the earth to help someone out!!  And that’s collectively what we intend to do with EXTREME FOCUS…we intend to help our young athletes navigate through the stormy waters of self-worth, self-esteem, competition, SO THEY CAN succeed at the highest level in life and make a positive impact on those around them.  As you can feel and might already suspect…

We are passionate about helping kids!


DavidB…has been a big brother to Chris (who is autistic) for over 22 years

Meridith…mentors young girls who also dream of being an NFL Cheerleader

Marcy…has a big heart and huge desire to help at risk youth live their potential

Shane…trains young quarterbacks how to be the best and reach their athletic goals

Chase…works night and day creating evolutionary new methods of branding

Cathy…like a mother cub protects her boys and creates a space for them to excel

DaveA…mentors hundreds of athletes to “enjoy the battle” on the playing field

and more…

But sometimes passionate people (namely us) can get carried away in the doing and we forget to reach out and include you in on the process of this creation…knowing this, our team is now asking for your support as we make it through the final lap and push through the finish line!


Why? because we’d like your “encouragement” – doesn’t everyone?

AND we’d like YOU to “sponsor well-deserving kids” in these training programs!!

How awesome it’ll be to have you a part of our team by sharing our mission and spreading the word to everyone!  The website’s membership portal is almost done, AND very soon we will be serving the needs of our student-athletes with the best online training camp ever…one that’s “off the charts!”

Help student athletes build confidence, develop leadership skills, and learn how to “train their minds” to work for them rather than against them… with EXTREME FOCUS!!

Coach Dave and MLB Jason Kubel

Mental performance coach, Dave Austin knows firsthand what it takes to be a professional athlete. Being the son of a Navy chaplain meant he moved around a lot (every 2 or 3 years) but he always seemed to excel in sports.  He had a lot of coaches and a lot of them telling him who he was, or what he could do…pop warner, little league, jr. and high school coaches, even college and into the pros.

Everyone had an opinion and different ones at that. Looking back, Dave realized just how much his results were dictated by his outer world and the opinions of others…it wasn’t until much later in life that he realized his inner focus and strengths could actually create his outer circumstances.

Dave’s desire is to help athletes “never lose themselves” in the process of competing…

Not only is Dave a dynamic speaker, bestselling author, and motivator, but he’s also a “mental” coach to many of today’s top professional athletes. What he likes to say is that he extracts a player’s brain and gets out all the stuff that’s holding them back from being able to play “in the zone.”  He’s also an innovator and creator. Where others have said it couldn’t be done, he’s just gone out and did it anyway.

Now he’s bringing it all together, everything he knows is within his new “Extreme Focus” training products and membership site.

“For over twenty years, I have been coaching elite athletes on the mental game of sports.  My clients have played on some of the sports world’s biggest stages including the Olympics, the World Cup, the U.S. Open, the World Series, and the Super Bowl.

Join me in our mission to ‘build confidence & self-esteem’ in our youth by providing a positive influence and major impact on a multitude of student athletes.”   – Dave Austin

Armed Forces YMCA


We aim to raise $50,000 bucks that will in turn provide ONE THOUSAND memberships to student athletes; 500 to your athletes that are matched by us for another 500 or more to be given away in free scholarships to at risk athletes and to military dependents whose parents are overseas. With partnerships like the Armed Forces YMCA and Ambassadors of Compassion, we have the resources to distribute these scholarships in every state.

Our game plan is to inspire and educate our young people while building confidence and self-esteem with our training, to create leaders both “on and off” the field!!

Wanna help us meet our goal??

Coach Dave and NFL QB Jeff Garcia


What you get is some really great “perks” and our thanks for helping.

Check it out…a few lucky MLB fans can actually go “behind the scenes” and down on the playing field during warm ups and hitting practice just before game time! And while they’re at it, they cantake pictures and get autographs with some of the players.  That’s even better than hot dogs and cracker jacks…really!

And a few other lucky players get the chance to work directly with “the secret weapon” in professional sports – that’s Coach Dave Austin of course! Just keep in mind that some of his guys have played in the Super Bowl, the World Series, the World Cup and the Olympics! Now you (or your kid) can be coach personally by “the secret weapon”…aka Coach Dave.

There’s also some other really cool perks…from autographed baseballs signed by a Major League baseball player, to our XF Series videos and memberships. Just check out all the perks on the right.  You can even get a 2 for 1 “Pro Elite” membership that gets YOU a full year of access to our entire video library and all the calls with Dave, the coaches and the pro athletes, and get this…its not just for the athlete who buys this perk, its double the fun since we match your membership with another one to be gifted to a deserving athlete who gets sponsored “free of charge” into the program…all because of you.  How cool is that?

Where else can you “train like a pro…with the pros?”

ANSWER: We don’t know of anywhere else on the planet where you can get this level of access and training…NOWHERE!! And certainly not for such an unbelievable price as you’ll find right here in this campaign!!


Did you know that the high school graduation rate is only 58% in our country’s 50 largest cities?? YIKES…our young people have it coming at them from every direction…from peer pressure, drugs, money challenges, gangs, to even just trying to get into a good college.  Geez…they could use some help!

And sports is the door opener!!

It teaches teamwork, leadership, goal setting, motivation, nutrition, health and fitness…and most importantly its fun.

We meet that fun head-on and blend it into the very same processes, strategies and winning habits that Coach Dave’s been using for years with his pros. So go ahead and help us to help develop new champions in sports and new champions in life because we guarantee that these processes work in every aspect of life.

Our goal is to provide young athletes with the same mental performance training and skills the pros use, and that will benefit them both on the field and off the field, in school and in life, so they become the next generation of leaders.

Join us TODAY in sponsoring one or more kids!

Other Ways You Can Help…
Get the word out and help us spread this on Facebook and Twitter too!